Airbnb Tips: A Chat with Philip Pagon, the Real Estate Pro

In one of our episodes, we talked all about Airbnb with our guest, Philip Pagon. He’s got a lot of experience in real estate. His background is pretty interesting — from working in food technology to running a bread factory in Saudi Arabia. Philip decided to switch from food to real estate because he wanted something new and liked meeting different people. Now, he’s an Associate Sales Director for SMDC International Sales. He travels a lot for work and also teaches people about money and how to handle it.

Why Airbnb?

Philip talked about why Airbnb is a good choice for renting out places for short stays. Here’s what he said:

Extra Money: If you rent out your place, you can get some extra money. This can help pay off your home loan faster.

Flexibility: With Airbnb, you decide when and how you want to rent out your place.

Meet New People: When you host on Airbnb, you meet people from everywhere.

Learn New Things: Running an Airbnb can teach you a lot about business and how to deal with customers.

But, like everything, there are challenges. Philip said it’s important to pick the right place to rent out, make it look nice, and know how to handle all kinds of guests. He also talked about other places to rent out and how there’s a lot of competition.

It’s All About Location

Philip said that where your place is located is super important. If your place is in a busy area, like a city center, more people will want to rent it. This means you can charge more. It’s also good if your place is near things like train stations or has shops close by.

Setting the Right Price

Philip gave some tips on how to set prices on Airbnb. He talked about Airbnb’s tool that helps set prices based on how many people are looking for a place. He also said it’s a good idea to give discounts for longer stays and to remember that Airbnb takes a fee.

Talking to the Airbnb Community

Philip likes using Airbnb. He said it’s good that both hosts and guests can leave reviews. This helps everyone trust each other more. If someone leaves a bad review, Philip said it’s important to talk about it and try to fix any problems.

Get in Touch

If you want to learn more about Airbnb or real estate, you can talk to Philip. He’s on Facebook and has a page called Airbnb Business Solutions.” He gives free classes and talks about real estate.

To wrap up, our chat with Philip gave us a lot of useful tips about Airbnb and real estate. Whether you’ve been renting out your place for a while or are just thinking about it, there’s always something new to learn.

You can watch the full episode here.

Disclaimer: “The articles on this website reflect the opinions of the respective writers and are not the opinion of In addition, nothing in this article should be considered financial advice. It is essential to conduct your independent research and consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any financial decisions.”

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